Customized & Tailored Services (TDS)
Our services and supports are customized and tailored to meet the goals, needs, and dreams of the individual. We specialize in providing individually planned support, training, and instruction in employment, education, social competency, and community inclusion. We support people to build strong skills and pursue education, explore meaningful employment and access the community as valued citizens. A Specialist works closely with the person to provide support, training, and instruction to assist the person to explore their community, continuing their education, completing a certification or degree, and exploring meaningful employment.
The activities provided through our services are based on a comprehensive assessment highlighting the individual’s strengths, abilities, and interests. Priorities are determined and support is provided by identifying appropriate resources, training, and instruction.
Some areas are:
Interpersonal skills training
Continuing education planning & support
Social cognitive and competency training
Executive function support and instruction
Transportation training & safety
Self-advocacy training & conflict resolution
Relationship building & safety
Community resource awareness
Community service, volunteerism & internship
Interview skills & resume building training
Professional attire awareness
Exploration in self-employment or micro-enterprise
Benefits counseling
Time & schedule management
Adaptive technology instruction
In addition to serving people with disabilities, we also serve our larger community through outreach. We work to develop partnerships within our community to support all people. We specifically focus on employment trends, businesses, learning institutions, colleges, and universities.
“Be The Change You Want To See In The World.”
— Gandhi